Here people are paid to look through windows at night, are given a sack of rice or a bottle of milk for peeling back the sheets in the middle of someone else’s intimate moment. There are places in the world where you are not entitled to your privacy, to your love.
It was 1985. Her room was pink, and bigger than mine, and she didn’t have to share it with her sister like I did. She had a closet with mirrored doors, and we would put a chair in front of those big mirrors and take turns brushing each other’s hair. Like a salon. We probably […]
You sweet Lemon Boy, you look so good in green. ?“?Lemon Boy and me started to get along together I’d help him plant his seeds and we mowed the lawn in bad weather.?” ?You’ve got a devilish aura that resonates in my mind like a string quartet. Sometimes my soul complains to me when you’re […]